"The American Dream has been popularised around the world. But have you heard of the Singapore Dream? Back when I was growing, the Singapore Dream was conceptualised to denote
Child Sacrifice is still practiced in the United States. It's been euphemistically renamed as "reproductive healthcare." If you've ever wondered why you don'
My new Bitcoin wallet is going to be called: Magic Carpet Ride! It's going to use the song from Stephen Wolf. After gaining your trust and doing everything
I try to connect with people and they try to connect with me (reluctantly). Yesterday I spoke with A computer science doctorate candidate and he said that he knew very
Good Morning. I had a dream that I was stack mining. I saw all of you there. Here we are. Stack mining is the exchange of labor for scarce goods.
People using the client PRIMAL are still missing zaps in my experience. So be it. Sometimes after I let them know they change something and it works but later it
CONTINUE WITH DECENTRAL PLANNING If you visit the homes of Thomas Jefferson or George Washington in Virginia they had this. They also had a lot of people working for free,
Conspiracy I already posted this on Stacker but it's like to share this data regarding the Moscow Crocus Hall event. I believed it was a human sacrifice event and
If you are a young person and you are not learning a skilled trade which will always be in demand you are delusional and this is your reality check. Go
Bitcoin Craig Wright would never have existed in the public mind were it not for the "Legal System". He had nothing to do with #Bitcoin and certainly did not
There are plenty of FOSS games. Who will be the first Bitcoin dev to sneak in lightning as a custodian and then present the winners with sats? Few Very few.
Bitcoin Good Morning. There are two types of global people. Ones who want to control others. Ones that want to control themselves. Slaves. Slaves are those who have been convinced that
I received eCash 1,000 sats and then the mint domain disappeared / changed. This can happen. So I'm certainly not ready to embrace losing sats.…