Good Morning.
How many seed oils did your Thanksgiving have?
I had a great time with my family and I hope you did, too.
No one got bent out of shape. If anything the ladies ended up connecting regarding crafts. The men sat in front of the great television alter.
A few times history was brought up and miraculously the points in history before the discussed points of history were unknown. This is important as most history understood is only 20th century. 21st century history is overlooked and 19th century history is cowboy movies.
Spiritually I had to accept the food that I normally would not eat as gifts from my family and I in turn made a dish that most everyone enjoyed. I made a sherried sweet potatoe casserole and it wasn't too bad. My wife made Russian "Caposta" which is kind of like kimchi and sauerkraut.
Mom bought some things to expedite the process and she made a turkey, stuffing and gravy. For me she bought some spanikopita that was canola oil processed. I ate it because she's my mom and I know she meant well. I haven't eaten turkey, ham, chicken, beef or any land critters, that I know of, since 1986. These days I'm basically lacto-vegetarian as Krishna would want me to be.
The best part about the meal and the company is seeing my Mom, her husband, my sister, my brother in law, my nephews and my wife all in one space. Everyone has something to offer. Being the degenerate, myself, it's nice to be able to participate and enjoy listening to the smart things and stupid things.
Money was discussed. Inflation was discussed. I have the exact address to the Saint Louis FRED, FED website for seeing the M2 money supply and I received empty blinking eyes. Of course the answer is cutting back or circumnavigation. Bitcoin was not discussed. I don't even bother. No one needs it. They need a flowing Fiat spigot and toil.
So it's interesting.
Personally, I might have all the great answers for how others should live their lives but I can't live for them. They are honest, hard working people. Me, I'm learning to be honest and I'm hardly working at all.
The spiritual life is not for everyone. It's only for those who see the transient nature of life. It's all about practice and not intellectual speculation.
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