Top Builder Season 2 Workshops at PlebLab

"Interested in building a Bitcoin company or developing skills in the ecosystem?
Join us at PlebLab in Austin for a series of workshops throughout January and February! These sessions will help you validate ideas, connect with potential users, co-builders and navigate funding, concept to mvp, revenue to satsflow, marketing to pr, and more.

"If you’re in Austin on a weekend, chances are we have a workshop going on. Drop us a message on Stacker News, check out our Meetup or join our Telegram group. Can’t make it in person? We’ll live-stream and share recordings on ~builders territory after each event.

"Also every Tuesday is open hackerspace day at the lab. Hit up the Telegram to get a ride up and every other Friday at the Bitcoin Commons will be doing Hack'n Tell, so much building going on!"

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