OgFOMK ArTS -- Stupid Satoshi Satan Satya Satisfaction Saturn and Wandering
Good Afternoon.
Sometimes I spend way to much time with stupid people because I am also very stupid. Sometimes I can't spend time with smart people because they are stupid and don't realize it. Sometimes I can't spend time with anyone because the reflection and projection of my own stupidity is too much.
Spending time with myself I get a chance to really see how stupid I am. The feedback is in my results of personal activities. Now, when I spend time with God and I let go of all that I am or I am not I find that I accomplish much more. I wonder why?
My answer is that I am just a reflection of God and when I think too much about myself I lose all of that reflectivity and I become part of the opposition so eloquently named Satan (Opposition in Hebrew) or Shaitan (Opposition in Arabic). I can even become a nesting home for demonic beings which leads to carelessness.
I've often reflected on the term Satoshi as a personal cognate in Japanese of Satya or Sat in Sanskrit. I.e. it means "truth". I am wondering if Satisfaction, Saturn and Satan also have a phonetic relationship. Is Satan the antithesis of Satya as an inverse, "an" prefix meaning "not". And in this case a suffix as "not", or is Satan a materialist term for the circumnavigation or obfuscation of "truth". Is Satiation and Satisfaction terms that lead to carelessness because the "truth" is identified as a stagnant example and thus eliminating the power of Godliness? Saturn is the planet of fierce judgement in the occult. Why? Saturn is a temporary vehicle and not a permanent fixture in this Universe.
I'm just wondering. Or am I wandering?
So good afternoon.
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