Good Afternoon.…

Good Afternoon.

Here is some interesting Biblical etymology.

Act 13:1 KJV Now there were in the church that was at Antioch certain prophets and teachers; as Barnabas, and Simeon that was called Niger, and Lucius of Cyrene, and Manaen, which had been brought up with Herod the tetrarch, and Saul.

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1.03526 (StrongsGreek) -- Νίγερ
Nivger Niger {neeg'-er}
of Latin origin; black; Niger, a Christian:--Niger.

2.03066 (StrongsGreek) -- Λούκιος
Louvkios Loukios {loo'-kee-os}
of Latin origin; illuminative; Lucius, a Christian:--Lucius.

Niger is of course Latin for black. As the communists have descended upon reason and language we are told not to use certain words even though they basically have a benign characteristic of a person and not a description of that person's character.

Luokios, Luke, Lucifer, Luciferin have a similar connotation but they mean light, illuminative and white as in not dark. But again this is not the character or the person but a characteristic.

Still, are the surnames just arbitrary choices or do they represent a family?

Clearly all named here are teachers, prophets and Christians. They are equal in their position in the church and faith.

Oddly here I find Simeon interesting as well. In семья (sem'ya) means family in Russian. Simian is a snub nosed monkey. But similar, our English, means closely resembling.

Just an etymology tangent.

My surname is Nuttall. So you might imagine that I received a blessed reception at school for my proletariat name. Nuttall can be a person with a nutty brown complexion (as in worked outside) or someone from Nuttall, Nottinghamshire, England.

The point I make here is that our words are meant to describe superficial characteristics but will never be the descriptors of character individually. Character is earned and all characters in the Bible are sinners except Jesus.

Characteristics may describe one's character but the individual terms do not. I only harp on this because the LAZT LANGUAGE MODEL being implemented is going to censor your truth even more by flagging words when the context of the presentation are needed in order to make an informed decision.

We also have base people who want to trigger others by playing on the stereotypes and prejudice. Those people do not have insight and are specifically trying to do harm but may actually be soft traps to lure in weak minded men and women for further programming.
